Post-Anesthesia Doodles | Grishmapolitan: Post-Anesthesia Doodles

Saturday 18 July 2015

Post-Anesthesia Doodles

I was under general anesthesia for an hour while I had my wisdom teeth removed today.

According to my mom, I demanded for my notebook and a marker as soon as I got out of surgery. I don't remember drawing anything, but I filled up half a notebook. Here are some of the things I drew:

It started with a few self-portraits

and a grocery... list..?

There were also some doodles where the monster became a personified depression monster that was preying on my family. Warrior Grishma was fighting it in a few pictures. There was a cupcake. And a robot.


Did you have any loopy experiences while you were coming off anesthesia?

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