Three (More) Games For an Actual Mental Break | Grishmapolitan: Three (More) Games For an Actual Mental Break

Friday 22 August 2014

Three (More) Games For an Actual Mental Break

Overworked? Stressed? Take a break!

The motto. (via activemindsinc)

BUT don't spend that time on facebook/buzzfeed/tumblr. Seriously. Those sites are designed to be addictive, and if you're avoiding doing something because you feel anxious, you definitely won't exercise self control.

[[I've written about ways to take satisfying mental breaks here and here]] 

I'm a visual learner, and I like visual puzzles. Sudokus, crosswords, logic puzzles when you get to use a grid. Love  'em.

Here are some visual, free geography games you can play online, if you want to mix things up:

1. Sporcle's Geography Games

Sporcle has a zillion geography and word-ladder puzzles, and a lot of trivia as well. It's timed (most are between 5-15 min) so you'll have a clear cut-off, and you feel so accomplished when you're done. I know it seems counterintuitive to "use" your brain when you're trying to give it a rest, but you'll have to trust me on this one. Passively absorbing social media takes hours out of my day, and Sporcle quizzes help me refocus.

Here's one I did today (I only got 86 out of 194 in fifteen minutes. Boo.)

Sporcle is really, incredibly visually satisfying because you never press enter. If you answer correctly the word quickly fades out of the textbox and into the larger puzzle. 

Yeah, yeah, it's on a site called Addicting Games, but you get to jigsaw the United States together! It's a little infuriating because everything in the midwest has vague locations in my memory, but fun nonetheless. It even tells you your average error in miles!

3. Map Snaps

These are similar to the 50 States game above, but with a lot more variety. You can do countries and continents from all around the world, and, for what it's worth, green-on-white is prettier than orange-on-blue.

(Clearly I need to brush up on my Asian geography.)

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