Halloween Decor | Grishmapolitan: Halloween Decor

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Halloween Decor

I wasn't sure if it'd be weird to show you my Halloween decorations since, well, it's November 11th. But then I remembered--


Honestly, these decorations are probably staying up until December.

I'm not a huge fan of "traditional" Halloween decorations--the fake cobwebs, spiders, etc.--because they feel like clutter when they're indoors. If and when I have a front lawn, I'm going all out (maybe even making a little haunted house for trick or treaters? who knows) but decorations indoors... I like to keep them more subtle.

I've been trying to figure out what to do with the bare side of my cabinets since I moved in:

And I found my answer in comic books. 

I got a huge stash of them two years ago with the intention of framing six of them at a time and hanging them up seasonally (I even bought them based on what would "go well" in each season), but, like my comic book magnets, I didn't follow through with the idea because I got depressed and everything went to shit.

I got six $2 photo frames from IKEA and got to work.

I was too nervous to nail anything into my cabinets because I wasn't sure if it would split the wood, so I decided to use the least intrusive method of hanging the frames--thumbtacks. I used the tape measure to make sure the frames were centered and evenly spaced, and the leveler because, well, I've never been good at leveling things.

I wanted to keep the frames at about the same height as the plants on the other side of the wall, and here's what it looks like when I was done:

Welp, these are going to stay up until I switch them out for winter-y comics. Which comic is your favorite? 

Psst: I did carve a pumpkin this year (It's Potter Puppet Pal Snape. My friend Carmen made the Dumbledore next to it)

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