Namaste! (Get it? Because it means "hello" AND "goodbye"?) | Grishmapolitan: Namaste! (Get it? Because it means "hello" AND "goodbye"?)

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Namaste! (Get it? Because it means "hello" AND "goodbye"?)

Hi guys!

You might have noticed that this blog is no longer, and is now

I figured I'd explain why I went with the name-change.

I started this blog while I was recovering from depression and anxiety, which is something I've briefly alluded to but never explicitly written about (I will someday, I promise, I just don't really know how to talk about it yet.) The name sowheresthemanual came from my realization that there's no prescription for happiness, and that it's something we must figure out as we go.

The core of my blog is still and always will be about living a happy, beautiful, meaningful life. But I don't want this space to exist separately from my other voices on the internet. So, I changed the url to grishmapolitan (thanks, Doug!) because... well... that's what I name everything else.

Speaking of which, you can also find me at other corners of the internet. Click on over if you'd like!


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