Tea Tree Toner Tabs | Grishmapolitan: Tea Tree Toner Tabs

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Tea Tree Toner Tabs

I started writing this post about all the different Tea Tree Oil products I use and love (it's the smell I crave, more than anything) but realized I had enough to say about these little toner tabs that they deserve their own post!

Have you heard about tea tree oil? Quick run-down if you're unfamiliar:

Tea tree oil is an Australian plant extract that:
  1. Is an antiseptic and antifungal treatment
  2. Treats acne (works as well as benzoyl peroxide, and doesn't burn your skin!)
  3. Disinfects skin to speed up healing

(Awesome, right?)

I would sooner pick a favorite child than a favorite Lush product (easier said since I'm not a mother, I guess) but these toner tabs are in my top 3.

Tea Tree Toner Tabs
(photo from Lush)

Here's how I use them:

  • Steam Facial: Heat a cup of water until it boils. Toss in half a tab and let it dissolve. Hold your face over the mug for 3-5 minutes (throw a towel over your face if your skin isn't too uncomfortable from the heat!)The vapor smells amazing, and the heat will allow the oil to disinfect deep into your pores! 
  • Epsom Salt Substitute: I soaked my foot in epsom salt while it healed from a staph infection a few years ago, and now I pop a couple of tea tree tablets in the bath every now and then--they work just as well as epsom salt, and make my skin feel a lot smoother afterwards!
  • Acne Treatment: Thankfully, I don't break out nearly as much now as when I was 14, but my skin definitely isn't eternally zit-free. I got this idea when some of my friends talked about a baking-soda paste she makes to treat her acne. I do the same thing, but with one-fourth of a crushed up tab. I add enough water that it turns into a fizzy paste, dab it on, and wash it off after it dries. Works wonders!
Get them here!

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