Relax, Already | Grishmapolitan: Relax, Already

Monday 19 May 2014

Relax, Already

I love coffee. I love everything about coffee. I don't redeem my punch cards to get free coffee, I use it to get barista lessons at Fair Trade.

But, now, I am choosing water instead.

I'm not "giving up" coffee. I'm not even "reducing my coffee intake." I know my brain. If I actively try to avoid it, I will drink it every day. I get the "idea" of coffee in my head sometimes, and my neurons go "YES. enjoyable drink. Now. Yes." So I go to Dutch Bros, even though I don't really want it. And, the next morning, l solemnly empty my half-full cup into the sink.

Last week, I wrote about the trap I fall into when I'm trying to change my habits, and this is no different. If I try to deny myself coffee, I will inevitably justify why it's not that bad while I run downstairs to a cafe.

But I'd rather drink water.

Reasons I'm choosing H2O:
  1. Coffee induces anxiety (because of the caffeine) 
  2. I actually don't drink enough water. And coffee is dehydrating. Yikes.

Last month, while I was teaching--straight up in front of the class up at the whiteboard holding a marker in my hand--I passed out. Thankfully, my students caught me, brought me water, and gave me a granola bar (they're sweethearts!) The doctor told me it was a combination of dehydration, stress, and exhaustion. I spent 4 hours at the hospital hooked up to an IV and watching Tangled with Madhu and a 6-year-old boy, feeling more refreshed than I ever have before. I felt so much better when my body was fully hydrated, and I want to keep it that way.

I keep a big jug of water with sliced lemons and cucumbers in my fridge. But when I want a little bit more flavor, I turn to these:

1. Mango Kombucha: As much as the name "Synergy" drives me crazy, this is a pretty delicious drink. Kombucha is a fizzy, fermented tea that's big in the health food world, but there's actually no scientific evidence that it slows aging or improves the immune system. I drink it because it tastes good. This is the less-concentrated version, so it doesn't have the strong vinegar-y taste "pure" kombucha drinks supposedly have (I haven't tried them.) It tastes like mango juice mixed with Perrier.

2. Coconut Water: I'm not picky about brands; I get what's cheapest (Vita Coco happened to be on sale while I was at Safeway.) I've loved coconut water since I was a little kid so I'd drink it for the taste alone, but the electrolytes certainly help. 

3. Lavender Kombucha: Tastes like a bouquet in your mouth. Mixed with Perrier.

4. Tazo Tea: I love everything about tea. These specific kinds are all decaffeinated, so I can drink them to my heart's content :) 

Here's to staying hydrated through the Arizona summer! 

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