Ow. My Neck. | Grishmapolitan: Ow. My Neck.

Sunday 8 June 2014

Ow. My Neck.

I can't look to my left. I hurt my neck. 


A movie marathon. One couch-reclining, back-hunching, neck-straining day later, I can't turn my neck.

If my neck doesn't make me feel like an old lady, my remedy certainly does. It's a cane and a makeshift neck brace.

The cane hooks around my back and applies pressure at just the right places, and the neck brace heats up. More importantly though, I'm doing the following stretches, per Wendy's instructions:

(The following images can be found here)

Entwine your arms together like so, and raise your arms up as much as is comfortable. Lower them slowly. Switch the orientation whenever.

(photo via)

Push your chest forward as much as you can, with your shoulders pushed back. Lift your head as high as you can. When you're ready, move back to a normal position (i.e. don't push your chest back and shoulders forward.) Do this slowly.

(photo via)

And, finally, there's the snake position in yoga.

As always, be careful when doing stretches to help strained muscles. In these situations, it's best to stretch for short periods multiple times a day.

I need to start doing yoga again. I had no idea how tight my shoulders and neck were...

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