Pineapple-Apple-Mint Juice | Grishmapolitan: Pineapple-Apple-Mint Juice

Sunday 29 June 2014

Pineapple-Apple-Mint Juice

I've been in love with Blueprint juice for a while now. But it's hard to justify spending $11-$15 for a bottle of juice... no matter how life-changing, delicious, healthy, and magical it is. Blueprint is a treat. (The last time I drank some, I poured it into a shot glass to "savor" it. Crazy, I know.)

I bought the Pineapple-Apple-Mint juice the other day, gulped it down, and was distraught that I couldn't have this every day.

Wait, no. I can.

I decided to give juicing a try on my own, but I don't own a juicer. I have a blender and a strainer (and lots of patience.) I spent $35 on produce and herbs, and was able to make 6 batches of juice of about the same size as Blueprint. And, when you make your own, you have lots of room to experiment!

Before I went grocery shopping, I looked up which fruits are currently in season. Check your state's Farm Bureau to see what's fresh! Here's what I got:

My first concoction was an attempt to recreate the juice I had earlier this week.

Blueprint uses green apples (I think) but I wanted something a little sweeter, so I used red apples.

Juicing apples is a horrendously difficult experience without an actual juicer, so I don't think I'll be making this batch very often...

It's like trying to separate all the liquids from applesauce...

But after you strain it twice, it's delicious.

Best served chilled, poolside.

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